Digital Goes Green

Brand Identity • Graphic Design

I was contracted to create the brand identity for a Belgium-based company: Digital Goes Green. The company offers solutions for both businesses and individuals to cut down on digital energy waste. My design was selected by the client to be used across their digital and physical assets.

The aim for the brand design is to convey competence in digital energy waste management while setting the right tone for accommodating business realities for B2B solutions.

January 2021 - March 2021

My Role:
Graphic Designer (contract)


Focusing on sustainability and digital footprint

The concept is based on the connection between the digital world and sustainability, creating an impression on the amalgamation of the two. The language of the circuit board was used because of its instant association with the digital world as well as the ability to evoke the “path forward” the brand aims to provide its clients.


Color Palette
